Monday, January 25, 2010

विद्या ददाति विनयम् / ವಿದ್ಯಾ ದದಾತಿ ವಿನಯಂ / Vidya Dadhati Vinayam

The title gives the beginning of a verse whose meaning can be loosely translated as - "Knowledge creates humility - Humility creates worthiness - Worthiness beings in wealth - Wealth leads to righteousness - And that leads to happiness".

I was intrigued by the first phrase of the verse - "vidyA dhadhAthi vinayam" - after a recent conversation with my music teacher. The discussion centered around musicians, arrogance and humility. It turns out that a lot of musicians who I thought were very knowledgeable are really not that humble. Whether it is the fan following or the commercialization of music or the instant celebrity culture, I find that many many musicians of this generation are losing their humility.

I am not saying that musicians of the past were all humble or that musicians are in anyway special that things like arrogance and humility should not affect them. My banter is about the phrase mentioned before.

Is that phrase incorrect? Does knowledge not lead to humility? Or, if the phrase is correct, then am I wrong in assuming that certain people are knowledgeable (and so should be humble)?

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