Monday, December 06, 2010

Entrepreneurship or Nuisance

Up the road from my house in Jayanagar 4th Block, Bangalore is an immensely popular restaurant named Mayya’s. And since eating out is extremely popular too, this restaurant is doing roaring business all the time.

There are throngs of people on the footpath(sidewalk) outside the restaurant, many times spilling out onto the roads as well. These are people waiting in line to get in, or those just hanging out after a meal. There is also a “darshini” style coffee bar which has its own crowd of people standing on the sidewalks and the roads drinking coffee.

Over the past few days, I am seeing a new addition to this milieu. There are now all sorts of peddlers selling their wares to this captive set of customers. “Captive” because these are customers who are not going to move for some time and will stick around till they get into the restaurant or finish their chit-chat/coffee.

These peddlers sell things like balloons, toys for kids, posters of Gods and Goddesses, ear buds, etc. Some of them carry the things they are selling, while others use what little space they can find on the footpath to spread their stuff.

Would you call these peddlers heights of entrepreneurship or heights of nuisance?

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